Faster Than Light

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358. Black ink and black color pencil on 11 x 14 size coquille board. The title seems to contradiction the accepted theory in physics, that nothing can exceed the speed of light, which is approximately 300,000 miles per second in empty space. And that is the problem dealt with in the article I illustrated. If we are ever going to reach the stars we have to deal with the fact that they are so very far away that we can't even talk about the distances being in "miles," the numbers would have too many zeros, it would be unprintably long. So we use the term, "Light-years'" instead, and to understand what a Light-year is you have to imagine this; You are in a spaceship capable of moving at the speed of light and you have just taken off from Earth. In just one second you have traveled 300,000 miles, and after one full day you have ventured 10.4 billion miles into space. You then occupy yourself aboard that ship traveling at that speed, and one full year later you have traveled 3,800 billion miles, or One Light-year.

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